Saturday, May 4, 2013

Moringa Tree

Moringa Tree
Moringa TreeCuliacan, Sinaloa. - No doubt that nature is the most surprising of life on planet earth, God put the necessities in it pass through this world in the best way, even if the man is determined, apparently, where it is
not so, for having on hand remedy its ills and needs of all types, we exit from giving us, we do not take into account or neglect.

We know that it is nature that gives us the weapons to beat disease, starvation and instead create projects we stop war "because they will not agree with my interests and my group", although we know that it is worth, but we refused.

Go intro!, Dear reader, but in this walk of journalism, the surprises never end, even though for others are not. And that look, talking with Leopoldo Martinez Velarde, president of the Inventors Network Sinaloenses, we happened to cost a project which works with soul life and heart, with financial and human resources Sinaloa, as is supported by the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, through the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Chemical and Biological Sciences and the Center for Instruments.

Polo We know for many years we have worked with him quite a few stories, as well as instruments Center, in relation to what the inventors, so that when we spoke of a tree called Moringa and its extraordinary properties, but above all of your project, do not think twice.

Nothing lose, on the contrary, for your information we are required to be part of that support, therefore we will keep you busy for three days, it will be three stories on this tree Polo who called it "Woodland". Then we will explain.

First of all, put our hands on as much information that we used several days which turned into weeks, because sometimes, outright, so there was no time to scrutinize everything about the moringa and present you with a didactic work, understandable to everyone.

So I go to parties, but first let us tell you that a tree is so important that it is mentioned in the Bible itself as you shall verify later.

Moringa Tree

Moringa oleifera is a crop native to northern India but its many properties are also known in large parts of Africa, such as Nigeria or southern region Nsanje, in Malawi, where he has been successful. For Konso of Ethiopia, Moringa is the basis of their diet. Also the Forestry Research Institute Kenya has conducted several experiments with this plant, which has been very successful. So much so that in some parts of East Africa this tree is known as "mother's best friend", in southern Nigeria is called idagba manoye, which literally means "growing nonsense", in the Nile Valley receives Shagara to rauwaq name, meaning "purifying tree" for its use in water treatment and in some places is called "drum stick" because of the shape of its pods, one of the major food of Africa, or the horseradish tree, by the taste of their roots.

From Moringa is used practically everything, but where it really acquires a decisive importance in the diet. The character "miracle" of its nutritional value is that it is a species that requires little care farm, grows rapidly (up to three to five meters in a year) and is resistant to drought. This latter feature, combined with the low cost of production makes the moringa in culture than recommended in the vast desert or semi-desert areas of the African tropics, where there are serious problems of hunger, malnutrition and undernourishment.

Moringa Benefits

Moringa offers a wide variety of food products, since all parts of the plant are edible: the green pods (like legumes), leaves, flowers, seeds (blackish, rounded) and the roots are very nutritious and can be used for human consumption due to its high content of protein, vitamins and minerals.

Moringa leaves have great nutritional qualities. According to an FAO study, the protein content is 27 percent (as much as double egg and milk) and has significant amounts of calcium (four times more than milk), iron, phosphorus and potassium (three times more than bananas) and vitamin A (four times more than carrots) and C (seven times more than oranges).

The seed contains 40 percent oil, which is high quality, low viscous and sweet, with 73 percent oleic acid, similar to olive oil. To cook is needed firewood, which also provides the Moringa, with an average density of 0.6 and calorific value of 4,600 kilocalories per kilo.

Since moringa leaves can be collected during the dry season, when no other vegetables available, their nutritional value is critical in areas where food security can be threatened by drought periods, as in large parts of Africa.

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